Edith W W Chan, CPA (Practising) [Formerly: Edith Chan & Co., CPAs] your trustworthy Certified Public Accountant

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Why Us?

Establishing strong and long standing relations with our clients is our primary objective.

With Us... You have a partner providing an efficient, cost-effective and high-quality audit and within critical time constraints. Besides, we may help you and your business with our professional advice on accounting- and business-related solutions.



Edith W W Chan [formerly Edith Chan & Co.], registered under the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council ("AFRC") [formerly under the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("HKICPA")], established under Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance, provides a wide range of professional services to clients with various sizes, ranging from individuals to large companies in Hong Kong and overseas, incorporated owners and other body corporates.  Our aim is to provide integrated solution to clients in a personal, friendly and efficient manner.

Our reputation, developed over years of practice in Hong Kong, and our continued growth over years, are a testimony to the success.

© Copyrights 1994 - 2025 Edith W W Chan, Certified Public Accountant (Practising)
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